Board Meeting 06/15/2023 10:00 am
Members in attendance: Ray LaLuna, Amanda Evans, Joe Orabona, Maynard Maxwell, Morris Armstrong, Mike O’Leary, Jonathan Leone,
Members not in attendance: Laura Caiafa
- Review and approval of prior month’s minutes
- January CE Planning
- Sponsorship of 2023 NE IRS Rep
- Planning for 2023 Annual Meeting (Amanda)
Review of NAEA Town hall meeting on 6/14. Morris summarized the events of the meeting including NAEA changing the CE requirements for members and state level entities being able to decouple from national. NAEA will hold two additional town halls prior to voting in December.
Various advantages and disadvantages of being a chapter vs an affiliate were discussed. The board as a whole does not yet have a singular opinion on the matter. Amanda will contact NAEA about obtaining a copy of the recording of the 6/14 town hall.
Prior month’s minutes were reviewed and approved.
Mike and Amanda have confirmed dates for the venue and speaker for the January CE event. Mike raised a motion to reserve the venue and speaker 1/18/2024 for the CE event. Motion was approved.
Motion raised and approved for being a Silver sponsor for the 2023 New England IRS Rep Conference.
There was a brief discussion regarding the agenda for the annual meeting and then the meeting adjourned.